below are some of my selected presentations and workshops >>>> [you can view my presentations on SlideShare]
#MESLeeds21: Media Education Summit Presentation
"Girls' digital inclusion: the narratives of evaluation"
March 2021
"Gender Digital Inequalities and COVID19: interpreting the present and planning for the future" at EQUALS in Afghanistan- Information Session of EQUALS Global Partnership
Worldwide (online) January 2021
Has the COVID-19 crisis reinforced or decreased the digital gap?
AXA Go #CRWeek2020 Digital Inclusion webinar
Worldwide (online) September 2020
"Tele-Education and COVID19" - seminar on tele-education, organised by the eWorldwide Group and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association (IEEE-SA).
South-East Asia (online) April 2020
In my presentation, I examined the importance of girls' focused approaches to tele-education and digital inclusion. You can read more about my presentation here.
"[not] another online safety workshop!"
Scotland, April 2020
This workshop was organised as part of Digital Beez educational reach out programme. The online course and a workshop was co-develop with the Articulate Cultural Trust and was aimed at young people aged 15-25.
Digital Youth Work Seminar // #COVID19 Disinformation
Scotland, April 2020
This e-seminar was as part of #DigitalYouthWork online workshops organised by the Youth Link Scotland. The aim of the session was to explore how youth workers can support young people's digital and data literacy during the #covid19 infodemic. You can access the slides from the seminar here.
"our hearings, our voices" youth digital literacy co-design workshop
Scotland, March 2020
This workshop has been commissioned by Our Hearings, Our Voice (OHOV) is an independent board for children and young people from across Scotland between the ages of 8-18, who have experience of the Children’s Hearings System. The aim of the workshop is to explore young people's understanding of digital and data literacy and to co-design materials to improve it.
Youth Data Literacy Workshops
Scotland, February 2020
Workshop Title: Date Your Data
The aim of this "Date Your Data" workshop is to provide young people with an opportunity to chat about their use and understanding of data in their everyday life. Data literacy covers a number of things - for example, the use of social media, online browsing, fact-checking and so on. During the workshop, young people deal with data on an every-day basis. Do they take actions when seeing inappropriate content online? Have they every verified their news sources? Have they ever considered cleaning/ removing their data?
ESRC Methods North West --- cluster New Forms of Data
University of Liverpool, Janaury 2020
Workshop Title: Data Artivism: Crafting Online Citizenship
Description: Data ART:ivism - Crafting Online Citizenship workshop will provide participants with an interactive and hands-on arts and crafts session, where their understanding of data will be explored. The aim of the session is to examine online citizenship and data understanding and to critically examine how people’s data is shared and used on social media. During the 2h session, workshop participants will have a chance to (1) study social media’s ‘Terms and Conditions’ s; (2) reflect on their social media data and online sharing practices, and create their data artivism pieces (using available arts and crafts material such as strings of different colours, recycled toys, pre-printed social media symbols etc.).
SomeCamp EU
Tallinn, Estonia, December 2019
Title: #DIGI_impact >> Digital Youth Work Evaluation
Description: Apparently, nearly everyone has an evaluation horror story to tell - what is yours? The aim of #DIGI_impact is to examine opportunities and challenges associated with social impact evaluation of digital youth work. During the session, we will explore some of the impact tools and methodologies currently available. Digital youth work social impact evaluation recommendations (co-created by digital youth workers and young people in Scotland) will also be presented.
ESCR Festival of Science 2019
Liverpool, November 2019
Workshop Title: Data Artivism: Crafting Online Citizenship
Description: Data ART:ivism - Crafting Online Citizenship workshop will provide participants with an interactive and hands-on arts and crafts session, where their understanding of data will be explored. The aim of the session is to examine online citizenship and data understanding and to critically examine how people’s data is shared and used on social media. During the 2h session, workshop participants will have a chance to (1) study social media’s ‘Terms and Conditions’ s; (2) reflect on their social media data and online sharing practices, and create their data artivism pieces (using available arts and crafts material such as strings of different colours, recycled toys, pre-printed social media symbols etc.).
North East of North (NEoN) Scotland's only International Digital Arts Festival
Dundee, 4th - 10th November 2019
Title: Storifying the digital divide: what can the 1970's community video teach us about the inequalities in the digital age?
Abstract: Nowadays, participatory digital media provides disadvantaged communities with a voice, and digital storytelling tools, live-streaming, social media, and vlogs are being regularly used by grassroots activists (e.g. #BlackLivesMatter or #MeToo) - re-defining our perspectives of collective action and often also leading to real-life changes. It can be argued that in the hyper-connected digital era, most of us have become media co-creators. However, digital technologies have also unleashed new inequalities of power and wealth, reinforcing divisions between the information-rich and poor, the activists and disengaged. The utopian idea of participatory media and digital culture has been questioned in recent debates on disinformation, deep fakes, algorithmic oppression, and social media echo-chambers. While digital technologies have democratised our access to the media-making process, they have not entirely helped when fighting with the problems initially covered by the community video movements in the 1960s (e.g. poverty, gender, and racial discrimination).
My presentation aims to explore the following questions:
How does the work of these movements fit into current participatory digital storytelling practice and media literacy debates?
What does it mean to be a radical media maker in the digital era?
And finally, what can young digital media designers and producers take from the work ethos of the early community media activists?
Read more here.
Youth Work in the Digital Age: What's next? International Conference
Glasgow, September 2019
Title: #DIGI_impact >> Digital Youth Work Evaluation
Description: Apparently, nearly everyone has an evaluation horror story to tell - what is yours? The aim of #DIGI_impact is to examine opportunities and challenges associated with social impact evaluation of digital youth work. During the session, we will explore some of the impact tools and methodologies currently available. Digital youth work social impact evaluation recommendations (co-created by digital youth workers and young people in Scotland) will also be presented.
Read more here.
DIRPC2019: Digital Inclusion Research and Policy Conference
London, June 2019
Title: The Social Impact of Digital Youth Work: What Are We Looking For?
Authors: Pawluczuk, A., Webster, G., Smith, C., & Hall, H.
Abstract: Digital youth work is an emerging field of research and practice which seeks to investigate and support youth-centred digital literacy initiatives. Whilst digital youth work projects have become prominent in Europe in recent years, it has also become increasingly difficult to examine, capture, and understand their social impact. Currently, there is limited understanding of and research on how to measure the social impact of collaborative digital literacy youth projects. This article presents empirical research which explores the ways digital youth workers perceive and evaluate the social impact of their work. Twenty semi-structured interviews were carried out in Scotland, United Kingdom, in 2017. All data were coded in NVivo 10 and analysed using thematic data analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Two problems were identified in this study: (1) limited critical engagement with the social impact evaluation process of digital youth work projects and its outcomes, and (2) lack of consistent definition of the evaluation process to measure the social impact/value of digital youth work. Results of the study are examined within a wider scholarly discourse on the evaluation of youth digital participation, digital literacy, and social impact. It is argued that to progressively work towards a deeper understanding of the social value (positive and negative) of digital youth engagement and their digital literacy needs, further research and youth worker evaluation training are required. Recommendations towards these future changes in practice are also addressed.
PhD Outcomes Public Engagement Unconference
Edinburgh, May 2019
Title: Social Impact of Digital Youth: What are we looking for?
Description: The aim of our mini unconference is to bring young people, digital youth workers, digital project funders and evaluation specialists together to discuss the findings of this project and to co-create possible solutions to the identified problems. Our findings indicate that there is a need for all stakeholders to openly and critically examine their experiences of evaluation - both as evaluation facilitators and participants. The aim of the unconference is to provide space where honest and meaningful conversations about impact evaluation can take place. To better understand young people's digital needs in Scotland (such as 21st-century skills. digital literacy, well-being in the digital age), we'd like to provide an opportunity for all participants to interact with our research findings.
ISIC2018 - The Information Behaviour Conference
Krakow, October 2018
Title: Social Impact of Digital Youth: What are we looking for?
Presentation Abstract:
The aim of this paper is to present empirical research which examines the ways youth workers in the United Kingdom perceive their work in the context of digital literacy project facilitation. There is currently limited research focusing on digital youth workers’ perspectives on opportunities and challenges affecting their interactions with and perceptions of young people’s digital literacy. Thus, this study aims to: (1) contribute to the scholarly discussion on digital youth work and digital youth literacy (2) elicit and analyse youth workers’ perceptions of the opportunities and challenges of youth digital literacy project facilitation.
Transmedia Literacy International Conference
Barcelona, March 2018
Title: Social impact evaluations of digital youth work: tensions between vision & reality.
This paper presents empirical research, which explores the ways digital youth workers perceive, and evaluate, the social impact of their work. There is currently a research gap with regard to the measurement of the social impact of digital youth work. Thus, the aims of this study are: (1) to contribute to the scholarly discussion on the social impact of youth digital participation, (2) to elicit, and analyse, youth workers’ perceptions of the social impact evaluation of digital youth work, (3) and to propose recommendations for further research in this area.
The Festival of Politics 2018
Edinburgh, 2018
Panel: Brexit and Young People
More info can be found here.
Glasgow, 2018
Workshop: Social Media & the Digital Rights of Young People // 5Rights + Digital Self-Care
The purpose of the Young People's Digital Rights Workshop was to examine our datafied selfs and to ask questions on our relationship with digital technologies How do we feel about our everyday relationship with technologies? Do we know enough about the digital world? Who is in control of our social media feeds (and our minds)? I was particularly interested in the voices of young people who are already engaged with the co-creation of digital media. After all, they're the ones who might be curating the digital media /tech landscape of the future. We need to get them thinking and talking about digital human rights as soon as po
iDocQ 2018 at Edinburgh Napier University
Edinburgh, 2019
Event Organiser: The iDocQ colloquium is aimed at students studying towards PhDs in information science and other related disciplines. Attendees were offered the opportunity to showcase their work to leading academics, researchers and other doctoral candidates as well as enjoy networking opportunities throughout.
More information can be found here.
The Digital Human: Humanities and Social Sciences in the Digital Age at the University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, 2016
Title: Youth digital culture co-creators: measuring social impact.
*Awarded first prize for the best poster presentation
The Annual Research Conference at the School of Computing, Edinburgh Napier University
Edinburgh, February 2018
Title: Social impact evaluations of digital youth work: tensions between vision & reality
*Awarded third prize for the best presentation
Ways of Being in a Digital Age – A Review Conference
Liverpool, October 2017
Title: Digital culture co-creation: capturing the social impact of small-scale community projects.
Presentation Abstract:
The applications of mediated, participatory approaches to cultural formation have been recognised as important contributions to the field of community education. Co-creative digital culture projects provide communities with a collaborative infrastructure to explore and share their ideas and beliefs (Russo &Watkins, 2005). While co-creative experiences have been defined as empowering (Cornish & Dunn, 2009; Füller et al., 2009), innovative (Nambisan & Nambisan, 2013; Mühlbacher et al. 2009) and engaging (Chowdhury, 2012; Matzler & Jawecki, 2009), both positive (Deuze, 2006; Russo & Watkins, 2005) and negative (Hand, 2016) impacts of participation in digital culture, can be found in the literature.Despite extensive research on the societal impacts of digital culture (for example Buckingham, 2013; Deuze, 2006; Miller, 2011), the outcomes of cultural co-creative processes have been described as unpredictable and ‘challenging to measure’ (RICHES, 2015). The use of traditional evaluation approaches has been critiqued for primarily “pre-empting the outcomes” (Lockie, 2001, p.281) and addressing funding criteria (Adams & Garbutt, 2008). Therefore, it has been argued that new tools should be developed in order to understand the impact of small-scale participatory digital projects which are “process oriented and creative in nature” (RICHES, p.6)
The aim of this paper is to review current understandings of the social impact of digital culture co-creation. The analysis presented here has been gathered from secondary sources, as a part of a doctoral research project’s literature review, which includes the current scholarly debates on digital culture, co-creation, and social impact evaluation. This paper identifies a research gap in this area and aims to contribute to the ongoing scholarly discussion regarding the measurement of the value of digital culture. Emphasising small-scale community projects, it proposes that a more holistic and participatory approach to evaluation could enrich the current practice and understanding of the social impact of digital culture co-creation.
Information: interactions and impact (i3) 2017
Aberdeen, 2017
Presentation Abstract: Current scholarly debate around digital participatory youth projects and approaches to their evaluation are examined in this presentation. The analysis of the literature presented here reveals (1) an over-reliance on traditional evaluation techniques for such initiatives, and (2) a scarcity of models for the assessment of the social impact of digital participatory youth projects. It is concluded that the challenges and limitations of social impact evaluation practice in digital participatory youth projects should be addressed through the adoption of alternative, participant-centred approaches. These issues are discussed in reference to a currently ongoing study that seeks to identify solutions for enhancing social impact evaluations of participatory digital initiatives by young people.
European Commission’s Developing Digital Youth Work Seminar
Finland, February 2017 (video presentation)
Title: Digital youth culture co-creation: measuring the social impact. Reflection on the data collection process.
British Human-Computer Interaction (BHCI) 2017 Conference
Title: Evaluating the social impact of youth digital culture co-creation: let's participate and play.
Presentation Abstract: This paper examines young people's participation in digital culture and current approaches to measure its social impact. The analysis of the literature presented here reveals the current scholarly understanding of the value of digital youth culture, social impact evaluation methods and their limitations. In order to contribute to the analysis of the value of young people's contribution to digital culture, this paper proposes two areas of consideration when working with young people: 1) Youth participation in evaluation; 2) Playful approaches to evaluation.
iDocQ 2016 Information Science Colloquium at Strathclyde University
Glasgow, May 2016
Title: Youth digital culture co-creators: measuring social impact.
Glasgow, May 2016.
*Awarded first prize for the best presentation