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Writer's picturealicjapawluczuk

#SummerThesis Writing Retreat

One of my PhD colleagues - Frances, came a up with a brilliant idea of organising one-day writing retreats this summer. After talking about possible dates and locations, I decided to host the first #SummerThesis meeting in my flat.

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The concept of a writing retreat isn't a new thing. The Internet is full of links and articles, buzzing about the positive aspects of joining or oganising your own retreat. This blog post from The Thesis Whisperer, refers to an article which claims that traveling to far away places ( or simply thinking about it!), can significantly boost your creativity. From my personal perspective, I know that removing myself from everyday distractions to focus on work, worked for me in the past. In fact, only last month, I was housesitting for my parents for 10 days and managed to be super productive with my literature review.

Frances's idea of #ThesisSummer is slightly different. The semi-intensive structure of group writing sessions, mean that we will have to divide the day into writing and no-writing sections. The session will take place from 9.00 till 16.30. This gives us some time for planning and discussing our writing goals for the day, intensive writing slots and social bits.

I'll report back about the outcomes of the session soon #happyWriting

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