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  • Writer's picturealicjapawluczuk

New Role: Researcher at EU-Council of Europe Youth Partnership

In January, I found out that my application was selected for The Pool of European Youth Researchers (PEYR). PEYR is an initiative on the European level and it represents a contribution of both the Council of Europe and the European Commission to evidence based policy-making in the field of youth.

If you've followed my blog or my Twitter account for a while, then you probably know that I had several opportunities to contribute to the work of the Council of Europe by writing about Digital Youth Work and Covid-19, contributing to the Digital Youth Work EU experts group, or participating the Youth Internet Governance Seminar in Strasbourg. In 2020, I was also meant to be working as a workshop facilitators at the 3rd European Youth Convention, but was unable to do so due to my personal battle with Covid-19.

PEYR network consists of researchers and experts from across Europe who possess a wide range of expertise in different policy areas connected to youth. PEYR members were selected on the basis of an open call in 2020.

PEYR is used by both the European Commission and the Council of Europe, but is also open to any other interested stakeholder as a source of expertise and knowledge on youth.

Besides providing expertise on demand, PEYR members also meet once a year to discuss broader issues connected to youth research and provide input to policy initiatives. To learn more about PEYR's work, you can visit their website here (trust me, there is loads of important and accessible information there).

Needless to say, I'm very excited to joining such a diverse team of resaerchers in the field of European youth participation. In the coming years, I hope to provide you with more in-depth updates on my learning, my role and PEYR's publications.

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